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Strawberry Jam

about 2 pints/2 16oz jars
Strawberry Jam recipe by Bad Manners

Strawberry jam is a classic and *mostly* loved favorite. There is a small but very vocal percentage of people who don't like cooked fruit. That's fine but their loss. Now for the rest of us who enjoy things- this recipe is great swirled into pancake batter, or dolloped on top of oatmeal or grits. Hell, you can eat it with a spoon if there’s nothing else sweet in the house. We’re cooking small batches, so we keep our jam in the fridge where it should be good for a couple months. If you cook more than you can eat, gift a jar to someone who needs joy in their life. Problem solved. 

Strawberry jam stirring


2 pounds strawberries (about 2 clamshells)
1 1/2 pounds sugar (about 3 cups)
Juice from one lemon

Cut the green stem off the strawberries and slice them into quarters. You should get about 5 cups.

Strawberries chopped

Toss together the sugar and lemon juice in a medium saucepan and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes so they’re all mixed up and the sugar gets warmed up. Add the strawberries , stir, and gently simmer for 20-30 minutes. At first you’re gonna think there isn’t enough liquid and then boom, there will be plenty. Trust the system. You want the strawberries to release some of their juices and start to break down while the surrounding syrup thickens slightly. Just be patient. When you think it’s lookin good, put a small amount on that frozen plate from the freezer we told you about earlier. If it sets without running all over the place, you’re good to go.

Let the jam cool for a couple minutes then pour it into your prepared jars and set them in the fridge.

Options: If you want to mix up the flavors, try switching out some of the strawberries for other berries. You can also add herbs if you’re into that shit. We love throwing in a couple leaves of rose geranium while the strawberries cook then fishing them out before we put the jam into the jars. It adds a great taste and somehow makes the strawberries taste more… strawberrish? Hard to explain but 10/10 would recommend it if you can find the plant. We bought ours years ago and they’re very hard to kill so grab one if you see them someplace.

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