Sweet & Salty Potato Salad

In a medium glass, stir together the lime juice, red wine vinegar, zest, brown sugar, paprika, dijon mustard, salt, pepper, and shallots. Whisk in the oil and set the dressing aside.
Place the sweet potatoes in a steamer basket set over a pot filled with a couple of inches of simmering water. Cover and steam until tender when poked with a knife or fork, about 10-15 minutes. When tender, place the sweet potatoes in a large bowl and pour in the dressing. Toss that shit around until everything is coated. Fold in the celery and chives. Serve hot, room temperature or chill in the fridge up to 8 hours before serving. Top with the toasted almonds and serve it up.
Home cook and undefeated Middleweight Champ Laila Ali shared this recipe from her latest book Food for Life on the podcast.